Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Stand Alone Hammock

Getting The Perfect Stand Alone Hammock For The Patio Size

If the homeowner have a large patio and would like to place a stand alone hammock on the patio for relaxation, there are a number of different things that the homeowner will need to consider. Choosing a stand alone hammock is not as easy as going to a retailer and picking out the hammock chair that looks like it will fit. Choosing the right sized hammock for the patio will take some detailed planning and careful consideration to make sure that the homeowner are getting the perfect stand alone hammock for their home.

The Placement Of The Stand Alone Hammock

Choosing the right stand alone hammock for their patio can be a very simple process. The placement of the hammock on the patio should complement any other furniture items on the patio and allow for the best view of the areas around the patio. This design is often used when the homeowner will be entertaining on a frequent basis or will be spending a great deal of time relaxing on the patio. If there is an area where birds or butterflies congregate in the yard, the homeowner may choose to place the hammock where the homeowner can view the animals without disturbing them.

Choosing the right stand alone hammock for this design will depend on the design of their patio. The first step is to measure the patio and obtain the dimensions so the homeowner will know how much space the homeowner will have to work with. After the patio has been measured, the homeowner will need to plot where to place the patio hammock so that the area is not crowded. It is recommended to leave about two feet of space in front of the stand alone hammock i to provide enough for maneuvering into and out of the hammock without running into other items.

Some stand alone hammock styles are harder to place than others because of the unique design of the hammock stand. If the stand is an odd shape, it may make it difficult to determine where to place the hammock in the patio. Swing style hammocks and hammocks with plastic stands are frequently fingered for this problem because many are created to be more stylish and less square. Some homeowners in this situation choose to place these hammocks in a corner of the patio which can waste a lot of space but will be the only way that the stand alone hammock will fit on the patio. Other homeowners choose to place their stand alone hammock in the yard so they will not have to worry about the spacing on the patio and will purchase a large weighed umbrella to shield them from the sun while enjoying their hammock.

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